Mar 30, 2022


 Hello!! I wanted to show off this LOTD because I really loved it!:) <3

Camo - Fake-society - Marchese - David Heather

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Earrings: Swallow
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick: Little Foxy Beauty (SKS)
Water liner: Heaux (TSS)
Hair: CAMO
Top and skirt: Fake Society
Bag: David Heather (HW)
Coffee: Hive
Shoes: Marchese


Mar 29, 2022


 Hello, everyone! Here are other looks I wanted to post last weekend but didn't have enough time. (Probably they are back to regular prices. )

Sintiklia - Rouly - Gucci - Little Foxy Beauty

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Swallow
Earrings: RichB
Necklace: Yummy
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick: Little Foxy Beauty (SKS)
Water liner: Heaux (TSS)
Hair: Sintiklia (HW) The ponytail hair is also Sintiklia
Hairbase: Lueur (HW)
Top and jacket: Rouly (TSS) - Sold separately
Skirt: Neve
Fishnet: erratic
Sneakers: Gutchi (TSS)

Ufo - Studio Exposure - Koukla - Boutique 187 - AS - Little Foxy B

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Swallow
Earrings: A*S (@ HongDae Event)
Choker: Boutique 187 (free)
Necklace: LaGyo
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick: Little Foxy Beauty (SKS)
Water liner: Heaux (TSS)
Hair: Studio Exposure (HW
Outfit: U.f.o. (HW) one piece
Boots: Antaya
Fresh vibes cleaner: Koukla (HW)


Mar 26, 2022


 Hi, everyone! 

Secret Poses - Happy Weekend

Miss Chelsea - Gucci - Faga - Friday - Yami Yurei - LUEUR - Sugarose

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick: Sugarose (TSS)
Eyeliner: The Skinnery
Hair: FAGA Colab with Revoul (TSS)
Hairbase: Lueur (HW)
Choker: Friday (FLF)
Top: Miss Chelsea (TSS)
Shorts: Yami Yurei (TSS) Part of outfit
Bag: Zenith
Sneakers: Gutchi (TSS)
Daisies, bucket and poses: Secret Poses (HW)

Moon - Birth - Sugarose

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick: Sugarose (TSS)
Hair: Moon (TSS)
Circlet: Clover
Dress: VOZ
Hand and head butterflies: Birth (HW)
Poses: Diversion (HW)

Diversion Hooping

No Match - Yami Yurei - DDL - Miss Chelsea - Sugarose

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings and necklaces: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Golden face flowers: Deetalez (group gift)
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose (TSS)
Hair: No Match (Wanderlust)
Pants: Miss Chelsea (TSS)
Shoes: DDL (HW)
Top: Yami Yurei (TSS) Part of outfit
Hooping poses: Diversion (HW)

Pare - Kuni - Friday - Sugarose

Skin: The Skinnery
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings and necklaces: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left) (HW)
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose (SKS)
Hair: Kuni (SKS)
Choker: Friday (FLF)
Dress: Pare (TSS)


Mar 20, 2022


 Hi! Happy Sunday!

Glam Affair - Mug - Cest La Vie - Dope+Mercy - S&P

Skin: Glam Affair (FLF)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: e.marie
Bracelet: EQUAL
Peace choker: Salt&Pepper (free gift)
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Hair: Rowne (60L)
Dress: Mug (FLF)
Bag: C'est La Vie (FLF)
Shoes: Dope+Mercy (TSS) They don't come with a Maitreya version, but I decided to get them anyways because they're cool. They work, I just don't know how to turn off the toe nails! :O
Thights: erratic
Location: Aurelias

Sweet Art - Monso - fd - Cest La Vie - Glam Affair @ Aurelias

Skin: Glam Affair (FLF)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: e.marie
Bracelet: EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Hair: Monso (@ Collabor88)
Swimsuit: (fd) (TSS)
Wrap top:  (fd) (TSS)
Bag: C'est La Vie (FLF)
Shorts: The Annex
Shoes: Phedora
Bubble blower set: Sweet Art (TSS)

Mar 19, 2022


 Hello! I hope everyone is fine! <3

Seniha - Tetra - Phedora - DDL - Monso - S&P - Cazimi

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: Mulloy
Bracelet: EQUAL
Peace choker: Salt&Pepper (free gift)
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Lipstick: Cazimi (TSS)
Eyeliner: The Skinnery
Bag: DDL (HW)
Shoes: Phedora (TSS)
Pants: Seniha (TSS)

Belle Epoque - Semller - Pare - Cazimi

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: Mulloy
Bracelet: EQUAL
Choker: Foxy (group gift)
Necklace: MG
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Glasses: #BANG
Lipstick: Cazimi (TSS)
Eyeliner: The Skinnery
Hair: Sintiklia
Dress: Belle Epoque (TSS)
Bag: Pare (HW)
Shoes: Semller (HW)


Mar 13, 2022



Faenzo - Bleich - Top1Salom - Belleza - Bliensen + Maitai

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana (TSS)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Peace Necklace: Bliensen + Maitai (subscribe group gift)
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Lipstick: Top1Salom (HW)
Eyeshadows: Belleza (FLF)
Hair: Faenzo (@ Equal 10)
Outfit: Off-line
Bag: DDL
Sneakers: Bleich (FLF)

u.f.o. - MG - Belleza - Revoul - N-Core - Vision

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana (TSS)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings and necklace: MG (FLF)
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Eyeshadows: Belleza (FLF)
Hair: Revoul (HW)
Hairbase: Nonnative
Top: (HW)
Skirt: Vision (HW)
Shoes: N-core (FLF)

Seniha - Mina - Vive Nine - Norwhere - Belleza
Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana (TSS)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: LaGyo
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Eyeshadows: Belleza (FLF)
Lipstick: Dazed
Hair: Mina (TSS)
Top and pants: Seniha (TSS)
Bag: Vive Nine/Ryvolter (HW)

Cheezu - Vive Nine - Ingenue - Mina - Mana

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana (TSS)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings and necklace: LaGyo
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Lipstick: Lucci
Hair: Mina (TSS)
Hairbase: no.match
Outfit: Cheezu (FLF)
Bag: Vive Nine/Ryvolter (HW)
Shoes: Ingenue (FLF)
Socks: Maitreya
Thights: AvInk

Mar 6, 2022



Miss Chelsea - Foxy - Friday - DDL - Neve

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings and watch: POM
Necklaces: Yummy
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose
Skirt: Neve (@ Fameshed)
Bag: DDL (HW)
Shoes: Friday (TSS)
Socks: Friday

Bipolar - Rama Salon - Ariskea - Friday - Dazed

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings and watch: POM
Eyeshadows: Sugarose
Top and shorts: Bipolar (@ Love to Ukraine Fundraiser
Sunflower: Ariskea (@ Love to Ukraine Fundraiser
Shoes w/ socks: Friday (TSS)
Lipstick: Dazed (SKS)

Eliavah - Doe - Equal - FLF

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: PKC
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Hair: Doe (FLF)
Outfit (top, panties, skirt and gloves): Eliavah (FLF)
Shoes: EQUAL (FLF)

Blueberry - DP Yumyum - DDL - Supernatural Blueberry - DP Yumyum - DDL - Supernatural close

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: PKC
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Hair: DP Yumyum (FLF)
Jeans, jacket, bodysuit and boots: Blueberry (FLF) - Sold separately
Necklace: Supernatural (Bento Weekend)
Bag: DDL (HW)

Seniha - Mossu - Truth

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: PKC
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose
Hair: Truth (FLF)
Dress: Seniha (HW)
Choker: Coco (Group gift
Bag: DDL
Cola: ChicChica


Mar 2, 2022


 Here are some products from Ukrainian designers if you want to show your support (shown on blue). You can find a list of stores here.  <3

Sorumin - ChicChica - Osmia - Mosquitos Way - Fabia - Carol G

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Earrings: PKC
Jacket / shirt: Sorumin
Pants: OSMIA
Hair: Fabia (@ The Arcade)
Hairbase: addon
Matcha: ChicChica
Bag: Pom
Shoes: Mosquito's Way (50% off moving sale)
Ukrania face tattoo: Carol G (free)

Spirit - Leronso - MeHoney - Mosquitos Way

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Watch: Pom
Necklaces: Yummy
Earrings: PKC
Vest: Spirit
Hair/hairbase: Leronso
Pants: MeHoney
Matcha: ChicChica
Shoes: Mosquito's Way (lucky chair)
Ukrania face tattoo: Carol G (free)

Rama Salon - Savin - Art&Ko - Web Dew - The Skinnery

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Long necklace: (fd) (Old product, not sure if still on sale)
Lipstick and lip piercing: Sugarose
Eyeliners: Izzie's and Top1Salom
Watch: Pom
Necklaces: Yummy
Bag: Maitreya
Earrings: PKC
Jumpsuit: Savin (@The Epiphany)
Hair: RAMA Salon (@Equal 10)
Vest: Web Dew
Boots: Art&Ko (@TWS)

Rama Salon - Loki - Rouly

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Ascendant
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Lip gloss: Sugarose
Choker: e.marie
Bag: DDL
Earrings: PKC
Top: Loki (@The Fifty)
Hair: RAMA Salon
Pants: ROULY
Shoes: Bleich

Ersch - RAMA Salon - Amias

Skin: The Skinnery (@The Fifty)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Ascendant
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Choker: Yummy
Bag: DDL
Earrings: PKC
Thights and socks: erratic
Shoes: Amias (@ The Arcade)
Dress: ERSCH
Hair: RAMA Salon
