Scarf from TokiD, group gift in store. Offshoulder shirt from Couverture, 195L for Move F for Japan.
~Other items~
Hair: Analog Dog
Skin: Mynerva
Hair flower: Nylon Outfitters
Shoes: G Field (new)
Leggings: Tee*fy
Skirt: LaViere
Socks: Maiterya
Cardigan: Couverture
Bag and belt: The Secret Store
Tunic dress from Niniko, CP-Switch News group gift. Skin from Iren, 75L @ The Fashion Garret.
~Other items~
Hair: Elikatira
Hat: Boom
Shoes / socks: Reek
Shorts: Deetalez
Necklace: Happy Finds
Backpack: Patchwork (old hunt gift, not available)
Short cardigan from Nyte'N'Day, 55L for Moody Mondays (yeah, I'm late again). Necklace from Artilleri, 88L for a 3 pack @ Colabor88.
~Other items~
Hair: .b Analog Dog
Boots: Lelutka
Socks: Naive
Bermuda: LeeZu
Glasses: Gos
Backpack: Atelier AM
Skirt from Pepper, group gift in notices; skin from Al Vulo, 75L @ My Second Wardrobe (MSW).
~Other items~
Hair: Elikatira
Top: Niniko
Boots: Miel
Socks: Naive
Fishnets: Erratic
Bag: TokiD
Dress and thights from Ingenue, 88L at Colabor88.
~Other things~
Hair: Tram
Shoes: Ingenue
Skin: Iren
Bag: The Secret Store
Ring: Ticky Tacky
Lipstick: Glamurize
Eyebrows: Mynerva
Dress (belt included), cape and bag from The Sea Hole, 88L each at Colabor88. Earrings from Magic Nook at TDR.
~Other items~
Hair: Tram
Skin: Lara Hurley
Shoes: G Field
Skirt from PRIS, at TFG.
~Other items~
Hair: Elikatira
Skin: Iren
Hat: Theosophy
Bag: Lelutka
Shoes: Polina (now LMK)
Cardigan: TokiD
Shirt: LMK
Socks: Maitreya
Lipstick: Glamurize
Top from Zenith, also at TFG.
~Other items~
Hair: Vive9
Skin: Tres Blah
Shorts, belt and boots: Mon Tissu
Leggings: Coco (group gift)
Necklace and earrings: League
Bag: Izumiya
Both outfits are from Niniko, Choice 2011 prizes. The house and furniture in the back is from Mocha, also a Choice 2011 prize.
~Other items~
Hair: Elikatira
Shoes: IDK and Smersh
Socks: G Field
Skin: Iren (TFG)
Bag: Action
The dollhouse from Mocha! It's so cute and all furnished.
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