Apr 10, 2022


 Hello again! Happy Sunday!

E.BEAUTY - AD - LaGyo - Fashionably dead - Temizi - RAWRE.BEAUTY - AD - LaGyo - Fd - Temizi - RAWR - mintae - Rowne - etc

Skin: Eudora Beauty (HW)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Earrings: RAWR
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Eyeshadows: Temizi (TSS)
Necklace: LaGyo (TSS)
Choker: e.marie
Hair: Analog Dog (HW)
Bag: Vive9
Shirt: (fd) (@ Collabor88)
Pants: Rowne (HW)
Shoes: mintae (FLF)

E.BEAUTY - MG - fdE.BEAUTY - MG - fd and AddamsE.BEAUTY - MG - fd - friday - Addams - Mina

Skin: Eudora Beauty (HW)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mana
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Ear piercing: Lelutka
Nails: RatzCatz
Earrings: RAWR
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Necklace: MG (FLF)
Hair: Mina Hair
Top and bra: (fd) (TSS) sold separately
Bag and shorts: Addams (HW) sold separetely
Shoes: Friday (TSS)

I'll probably be back later! 

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