Sep 18, 2022


 Hi again! :)

Havoc - Pure Poison - Nuve - Doe

Havoc - Nuve - Doe (2)


Skin: Nuve Hailey (group gift)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Rings: Vibing (TSS)
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Avada
Brow piercing: LittleFish
Sleeve tattoos: Vegas Tattoo
Tan lines: Izzie's
Lipstick: Shiny Stuffs (Wanderlust)
Earrings: PKC
Necklace: MG
Dress w/ waistbag and panties: Havoc (TSS)
Bracelet: Friday
Hair: Doe (TSS)
Hat and pose: Amitie
Location: Frogmore

Nuve - SE - Cult - Stiff - Klubb - Shiny Stuffs (1)

Nuve - SE - Stiff - Shiny Stuffs (2)


Skin: Nuve Hailey (group gift)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Rings: Vibing (TSS)
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Sakura
Brow piercing: LittleFish
Sleeve tattoos: Vegas Tattoo
Tan lines: Izzie's
Lipstick: Shiny Stuffs (free)
Earrings: PKC
Dress: Stiff (TSS)
Boots: Cult (TSS)
Bracelet: Friday (left) and Yasum (right)
Hair: Studio Exposure (HW)
Bag: Klubb (TSS)

Have a great week!!

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