Dec 8, 2022


Ryvolter - Doux - Not Found - Arnaud - Rawr - Ison (1)Ryvolter - Doux - Not Found - Arnaud - Rawr - Ison (2)


Skin: Not Found Joy
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Rings: RAWR
Nails: Livia
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Brow piercing: LittleFish
Sleeve tattoos: Vegas Tattoo
Earrings and choker: Pervette
Dress: Ryvolter
Shoes: Ison
Hair: Doux Cintia
Bag: Arnaud Haus (HW)
Bracelet: RAWR (HW)
Lipstick: Lempika
Eyeshadow: TOP1SALON

Fasionably Dead - DDL - Rama Salon - Naanaas - Not Found - Frogmore (1)Fasionably Dead - DDL - Rama Salon - Naanaas - Not Found - Frogmore (1)


Skin: Not Found Vih
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Rings: RAWR
Nails: Livia
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Brow piercing: LittleFish
Sleeve tattoos: Vegas Tattoo
Earrings: Naanaa's (past gift)
Top and shorts: (fd) (TSS)
Shoes: DDL
Hair: Rama Salon Nikkie
Bag: DDL
Location: Frogmore

Tres Blah - Erratic - Zoom - Doux - Pure Poison - DDL (1)Tres Blah - Erratic - Zoom - Doux - Pure Poison - DDL (2)


Skin: Not Found Vih
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Rings: RAWR
Nails: Livia
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Brow piercing: LittleFish
Sleeve tattoos: Vegas Tattoo
Earrings: Pure Poison (past gift)
Necklace: Riot
Glasses: Zoom
Pants: Erratic
Shoes: Pure Poison Tonya boots
Hair: Doux Bebe
Bag: DDL
Cell phone / keychain: Hive
Location: Cornelia St.

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