Apr 14, 2024



Voguel - Rama Salon - Azoury - La Plume - Synnergy.Tavis (1)

Voguel - Rama Salon - Azoury - La Plume - Synnergy.Tavis (2)

Voguel - Rama Salon - Azoury - La Plume - Synnergy.Tavis (3)

Skin: Voguel Dove Skin (District 69)
Head: Lelutka Billie
Eyes: part of Lelutka head
Shape: My own
Body: Ebody Reborn
Nails: Ebody default
Hair: Rama.Salon Kailey (HW)
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose ring and piercing: PKC and Lelutka
Brow piercing: LittleFish and Lelutka
Rings: Bonita Store Flower Meadow
Earrings and necklace: Azoury Nocte Bellus
Crown: Azoury Monarch (HW)
Dress and gloves: Absence Esther Gown (District 69)
Eyshadows and lipstick: Sugarose Killye
Shoes: Azoury Le Coeur Des Vierges
Poses with orb: La Plume Marjorie (TSS)
Backdrop: Synnergy.Tavis Vampira Castel Backdrop


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