Skirt from So Many Styles, group gift in notices. Red sweater w/ shirt and skirt from Twisted and Spoiled lucky chair. Sneakers from Magi Take, group gift in store. The hair (not free) is Lamb's Unbirthday Redux, on sale at the Tableau Botox Bonanza.
~Other items~ (not free)
Boots: [0N]
Shirt: Emery
Bag: -tb- (at Tableau Botox Bonanza)
Gloves: Viva La Glam
Earrings: Ticky Tacky
Tops, henna tattoo, shape (on detail) and botox aplication free! at the Tableau Botox Bonanza. The hairs are Clawtooth by Clawtooth and Lamb, also both from Tableau, not free.
~Other items~ (not free)
Bare foot flip flops: J's
Skirt: Narwhal
Earrings: (luc)
Orange polka dot dress from Shampoo, 1L. Dress, boots, necklace, arm warmers and hat from Sugar lucky chair.
~Other items~
Hair: Clawtooth by Clawtooth
Flats: 50 flats
Jeans: Oyakin
Orange earrings: GF (free)
Dice earrings: the creator has left SL
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