I've done this pic for the 52 Weeks of Colors challenge, Cerise! I'm almost late on this, 'cos I'm having a hard and tiring week :D
Hair: Lelutka
Shoes: Maitreya
Pants: Thimbles (not sure if the store is still open)
Jacket: Aoharu
Bra: Maitreya
Shirt: Coco
Belt and earrings: Mandala
Skin: -tb-
Pose and bags: Glitterati
Dress from Slow Kitchen, group gift in store. Top and nest hat also from Slow Kitchen, opening gifts, 0L. Hair from Discord, subscribo gift.
~Other items~
Skin: -tb-
Shoes/socks: (fd)
Pants: Spirit Store
Earrings: Mandala
Poses: Glitterati
Jacket and socks (Xmas gift for Cat Hollic group members, fee to join) and shorts (5L) from Izm. Boots from [mdrm], also Xmas gift for Cat Hollic group members.
~Other items~
Hair: Shag
Skin: -tb-
Glasses: Tasty (new)
Rings: Lacie Cakes
Poses: Glitterati
Hair with hat from Soup, Cat Hollic group gift; socks, 1L, and jacket, lucky board prize, from Izm. Shorts from DayDream, Cat Hollic group gift. Earmuffs and bracelets from Sacred Rose, group gift for Monday Mania members (also includes a great bag).
~Other items~
Hair: Soup, Kik (new)
Shoes: mdrm, Gos
Belts: Bukka, Sacred Roses
Sunglasses: Duboo
Poses: Glitterati
You probably heard about the So 2011 event. Many stores have priced down (50L) at least 2 items of their collections. You can check the participant stores on the site. I've bought many cool stuff, but I'm not showing them all or I'd not be able to blog before Christmas :D
Dress from Vita Boudoir, short boots from Vive9; jacket and pants from Cashmere; spiked pants from Glam Affair, bag from Milk Motion, hair from LoQ.
~Other items~
Hair: Lelutka, LoQ
Shoes: Vive9, Tesla, UBU
Sweater: Concrete Flowers (new)
More So 2011: Dress from Peqe, short boots from Vive9; dress with gloves, earrings and handbag from The Niven Collection; black jacket and bag from The Secret Store.
~Other items~
Hair: Lelutka, Friday, Dark Mouse
Shoes: Vive9, Maitreya, J's
Purple leggings: The Secret Store (I don't remember if it was free or cheapie Xmas gift under the tree, there are many!!)
Gray sweater: Izumiya
Poses: Doll
New jackets from Modd.G!! I <3 the cute pompoms!!
~Other items~
Hair: Maitreya, Kin, Surf Co
Shoes: N-Core, UBU, Surf Co
Bag: Modd.G
Skirt: Boom
Leggings: Tee*fy (TDR Blue)
Pants: Spirit Store
White shirt: Runo Runo
Earrings: Dark Mouse (group gift)
Poses: Glitterati
And also new awesome jackets! I know they're not that new now lol But seriously, they're cool and I had to show them! From Modd.G.
~Other items~
Hair: Analog Dog, LollipopZ (closing sale, all hairs are 99L), Magika
Sheos: Shiny Things, Hoorenbeek, KAO
Rose shirt: Narwhal
Vest: Armidi
Skirt: Emery
Hair bow: Magika (free)
Check shirt: Milk Motion
Belt: maitreya
Bag: Chabinns
Dress: Doppelganger Inc
Shirt: Jane
Neck bow: Miel
Thights: N-Core (come with shoes)
Earrings: Dark Mouse
Poses: Glitterati
You look awesome -- I love that house too! <3
Ty Luna!
The house is really lovely! I am like decorating it forever! hehe
Love all of these! and the color challenge photo is hysterical <3
Ty Jaxie! :D
I'm glad you like it!
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