Jun 4, 2022



Blueberry - Chucks size - The Skinnery GG - Mila - Mandala - Kibitz Chucks size - The Skinnery GG - Mila - Mandala - Kibitz

Skin: Mila
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila (Anniversary gift @ Tres Chic)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Cazimi (TSS)
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Tan lines: Izzie's
Ear Piercings: Lelutka
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose
Earrings: Mandala (HW)
Collar: Kibitz (HW)
Shirt: Chuck Size (HW)
Boots, skirt and thights: Blueberry (past TSS, still available in promo price)
Hairbase: The Skinnery (group gift)
Bag: DDL

Seniha - Wasabi - Ingenue - Sugarose - Kibitz - Rawr - MilaWasabi - Seniha - Chichica - Kibitz - Sugarose - Rawr - Mila (2)

Skin: Mila
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila (Anniversary gift @ Tres Chic)
Shape: My own
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Cazimi (TSS)
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Tan lines: Izzie's
Ear Piercings: Lelutka
Lipstick and eyeshadows: Sugarose (SKS)
Earrings: RAWR (HW)
Necklace: Kibitz (HW)
Dress: Seniha (TSS)
Shoes: Ingenue (FLF)
Hair: Wasabi (FLF)
Watermelon slice: ChicChica (TSS)
Bag: DDL


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