Jun 12, 2022


Hi, everyone!  Have a nice Sunday! :)

7 Deadly Skins - fd - Tres Blah - Arnaud - Truth - ChicChica - Sugarose7 Deadly Skins - Tres Blah- Truth - ChicChica - Sugarose

Skin: 7 Deadly Skins "Inspiration" (Bento Weekend)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila (Anniversary gift @ Tres Chic)
Shape: My own
Body: Maitreya
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Cazimi
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Tan lines: Izzie's
Ear Piercings: Lelutka
Lipstick and eyelashes: Sugarose (TSS)
Necklace: MG (FLF)
Top: Tres Blah (TSS)
Skirt: (fd) (TSS)
Shoes: Baiastice (group gift)
Hair: Truth (@ The Fifty)
Bag: Arnaud (HW)
Drink: ChicChica (TSS)

7 Deadly Skins - Coco - Mina - MG - Pure Poison - Gorgeous Dolls7 Deadly Skins - Coco - Mina - MG

Skin: 7 Deadly Skins "Seclusion" (TSS)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila (Anniversary gift @ Tres Chic)
Shape: My own
Body: Maitreya
Rings: Yummy
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Gorgeous Dolls (SKS)
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Tan lines: Izzie's
Ear Piercings: Lelutka
Eyeshadows: Sugarose
Necklace and earrings: MG
Dress and jacket: Coco (HW)
Glasses: Triggered
Hair: Mina
Bag: DDL

Pumec - Coco - Gorgeous Dolls - Cheap Makeup - tram - Swallow - DDLPumec - Coco - Gorgeous Dolls - Cheap Makeup - tram - Swallow

Skin: PUMEC "Alina" (HW)
Head: Lelutka Avalon
Eyes: Mila (Anniversary gift @ Tres Chic)
Shape: My own
Body: Maitreya
Rings: Yummy
Leather rings: Friday
Septum ring: Quirky
Nose rings: PKC and Lelutka
Nails: Cazimi
Bracelets: Ysoral and EQUAL
Sleeve tattoos: Kaos (right) and Vegas Tattoo (left)
Tan lines: Izzie's
Ear Piercings: Swallow
Earrings: Swallow (HW)
Lipstick: Cheap Makeup
Shirt: Coco (group gift)
Pants: amias (TSS)
Shoes and bag: DDL
Fishnet thights: Blowpop (closed)
Hair: Tram


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